About Us
Cut Illinois Taxes Now
The Problem.
Despite a massive 32 percent increase in the income tax approved in 2017, our state has the worst credit rating of all 50 states and, according to Moody’s rating agency, an unfunded pension liability of about $250 billion, a sum far greater than the $133 billion calculated by the state. It is no wonder that Illinois lost 45,000 people net last year and that we recently fell behind Pennsylvania in population.
What We’re Fighting For.
The people of Illinois deserve better than a state that has been called “the least tax-friendly in the nation.” And they need relief NOW.
At Cut Illinois Taxes Now, we’re working to bring awareness to the citizens of Illinois about just how much they pay in taxes – property, gas, income, and more – and show how those taxes hurt the working families of Illinois. Illinois doesn’t need a band-aid solution, and it sure doesn’t need more hikes. We need a tax revolt and we need to hold the politicians in Springfield accountable to those they represent.
It’s time we cut taxes in Illinois – NOW.

About our Chairman
David McSweeney
Illinois Values.
David was born in Park Ridge, Illinois and attended Barrington High School (Lake County, Illinois). He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in economics from Duke University in 1987 and a Master of Business Administration degree from the Fuqua School of Business in 1988. He currently works as a senior advisor and financial consultant. He was first elected to the Illinois House of Representatives in 2012.
Commitment to Principle.
As a legislator, David has advocated for property tax relief. He has voted more than 20 times in the last couple of years to lower property taxes. He has also opposed all tax increases and led the charge to defeat the progressive income tax increase. He also has been fighting hard for term limits.
Passion for Community.
David met his wife, Margaret, in New York City. As newlyweds in New York City, David and Margaret tutored at risk students in Harlem. The couple moved to Illinois, and started their family. David and Margaret are the proud parents of two daughters. David and his family are members of the Lutheran Church of the Atonement.